Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lone Star Canceled?

Not sure what of make of this, but there’s a rumor afloat that Lone Star has been canceled! I'll wait to see what fox does, because I really can't see them canceling it after only two episodes, even if the ratings were lackluster. Hopefully it will still be picked up, just changed to a different day of the week, as Lie To Me is going to be in that timeslot. Pretty ironic that it was announced being canceled just shortly after I posted about it..


  1. hey great blog im following n supporting

    check out mine when you get a chance :)

  2. hahaha no offense but I hate that show

  3. I am not realy shure what I read :) but I will check the source of the link xD

  4. Yeah I heard it was getting the worst ratings out of other shows. Something around that. Pretty harsh

  5. That is pretty ironic, haha.

  6. Oh man that sucks. It sounded like a good show from reading your review. And replaced by lie to me? doesnt that show have enough slots?

  7. As long as they don't cancel House I'm fine.

  8. never cared for that show honestly

  9. hm never even got around to watching it to be honest

  10. never heard of the show, it probably didn't get a european release did it?
